
How to Turn Adversity into Advantage in Business and in Life by Ralpf de la Vega

I picked this book as the first of my free books from Thomas Nelson Publishers through BookSneeze.com to review because the title intrigued me. Instead, I was pretty much bored out of my mind and have had such a hard time finishing this book. Don’t get me wrong. The major life lessons parallel to the hardships a 10-year old immigrant boy from Cuba who reached the unimaginable unattainable heights of his American dream is truly inspiring. Standard and easy to grasp point by point steps are given in order to ensure that the reader can go through his/her own journey and emerge victorious if he/she chooses to do so. Dream big, if at all. I think it depends on the reader though if they would want to not only be inspired but take the steps needed in order to attain their dreams. Then, and only then, would I recommend the book to another. But maybe it would have been more effective if this were a slide presentation instead of a book.


I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part o their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program.


  1. kara! :) you still blog! yay! a new blog for me to follow! :)

  2. Yes, I do! I'm so glad to have discovered your blog - another one for me to follow, too. :)

  3. and we both just reviewed our first booksneeze books! haha! see you around! ;)
