
Of Books, Books and More Books

It's high time I got back into the blogging sphere if only to share one of the fond things I've done growing up - reading children's books. Over the summer, my Mom used to take me and my siblings with her to the (Makati) city and drop us off at the library where we had hours to pounce on books. At the end of the day, we could choose a set number of books to take home. There were Hardy Boys for my brother, Nancy Drew for myself and different kinds of picture books for my back then little sister. We were in heaven! Couple that with Chinese food from our favorite take out place, Singkit (stands for chinky-eyed), for lunch and we were sold. Sweet and sour pork, noodles, fried rice, egg rolls... I don't remember ever dragging my feet when my Mom had to take us with her on those kind of trips. Even today, my siblings and I enjoy pouring over books and gulping down Chinese cuisine, among other things. Aaah, you can tell I've also enjoyed eating growing up. But that's for another post. :)

Now that I have my own little dumpling, we go on treks to the library. I have to bring an enormously sturdy book bag else I break my arms and back lugging the dozens of books we manage to get our hands on. There are just so many that I feel I have to take home and ze bebe shares my sentiments exactly. Even when we're in line to check the books out we manage to grab a couple or so to add to our mountainous pile. You can never beat the smell of books.

Time and time again, the desire to share the knowledge of books I really enjoy has been mounting and voila! Instant post. I want this to serve as a guide to mothers or fathers out there who want to encourage the wonderful world of reading to their children. Or even to serve as a guide for people who might be clueless as to what kind of gift to give a child. I find myself in that category every now and then especially with the boom of birthday parties that just seem to beleaguer me this month. If all else fails, I go to a book. Be it a book about some truck, airplane, ballerina or dinosaur that a little tyke might enjoy I find that with a good book the values and morals we've read about will last. All books listed in this site will feature the books that my baby, my hubby and/or I personally enjoy.

And now we're off to a world of imagination. Bon voyage!

1. One Pup's Up
Marsha Wilson Chall

Staring adorable puppies, this hardbound book focuses on increasing and decreasing numbers, playful yet simple rhymes and delightful illustration by Henry Cole. I felt as if the puppies were actually alive and it brought me back to my childhood of exuberant puppies. My hubby even pulled me aside to tell me that he really enjoyed reading it to our little girl. First time honor! (Photo credit)

2. The Big Honey Hunt
Stan & Jan Berenstain

As you may have surmised there is no more honey in the Bear's tree house on a narrow dirt road deep in Bear Country. Mama Bear has sent Papa and Brother Bear off to find some honey. Will Papa Bear go the easy way or will he figure out firsthand just how hard it is to obtain honey? (Photo credit)

I love the old fashioned drawing and how illustration for all books Berenstain Bears are done. What I love most of all about ALL Berenstain Bears books are the deep set values and morals that are effectively portrayed in about 20-40 pages. Every corner of a page crammed with words or 4 line rhymes per page, The Berenstain Bears are definitely on the top of my Bebe Bookshelf Wishlist. I find that the newer versions include a Bible verse or two like that of The Berenstain Bears and the Forgiving Tree. That's a plus on my book. (Or A+, haha.)

3. Lyle, Lyle Crocodile Storybook Treasury
Bernard Waber

This is the latest 4-in-1 set of books that I am currently drooling over. It contains The House on 88th Street, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile, Lyle and the Birthday Party and Lyle Walks the Dogs. If you moved into a new home and discovered a huge crocodile in your bathtub how would you feel? Lyle the Crocodile quickly wins you over with his amicable personality and many talents that are sure to put a smile on your face. Some rhymes, mostly simple stories, Mr. Waber uses mostly primary colors and peppers it with pops of green, orange and the like. This put a smile on my preschooler's face after a particularly rough morning.

Speaking of which, she is up from her nap and I'm outta here. Hope you enjoy my reviews. I languish thinking of how long they will last on my Amazon wishlist and when someone will come across it. Hoping that they gift the little one with these jewels instead of the usual toys. Less clutter for the room and adds more space in between the ears, if you know what I mean.

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